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How To Identify And Resolve IT Infrastructure Gaps

Businesses are always looking for ways to improve their IT infrastructure. This is especially since having the proper IT infrastructure can be the difference between success and failure. For one, you can quickly scale your business model, improve your cybersecurity measures, and optimize your processes.

But with an ever-changing tech scope with new developments and improvements every day, it can be challenging to keep up and know what IT infrastructure will work best for your business. This often leads to a gap between what you have and what you need. However, this is a critical concern since a gap in your IT infrastructure can lead to countless issues in your business, from slowing down productivity to putting your data and security at risk.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to identify and resolve possible gaps in your IT infrastructure. These include:

1. Focus On Security

Data breaches constantly threaten businesses, regardless of size or industry. Hence, the first step to resolving IT infrastructure gaps is assessing the security measures currently implemented. This includes ensuring that all your systems, software, and networks are up-to-date and secure and have strong data encryption policies.

In addition, you can identify any security gap in your system by conducting penetration testing. This is where you intentionally try to hack into your systems to evaluate their security. The report from pen testing will tell you where your weaknesses lie, and then you can create a plan of action to close those vulnerabilities. This can include developing robust cybersecurity protocols and upgrading your software or systems.

Alternatively, you can hire cybersecurity experts in your locality to help you with this process. For instance, if your business is located in South Africa, click here for cyber security in Johannesburg and learn more about cybersecurity and how working with experts can help boost your IT infrastructure.

Adult bearded system administrator in glasses working on laptop and correcting errors in server hardware

2. Audit Your System

Every IT system tends to develop gaps over time. Whether it’s from lack of maintenance, misconfiguration, or other issues, your system could be harbouring gaps you may not be aware of. For example, it’s common for smart contracts to have vulnerabilities because of a lack of testing, attacks, or when the code used in the contract isn’t written correctly.

To identify any gaps in your IT infrastructure, you should regularly audit your system to find issues that may not be visible at first glance. This can include reviewing logs, monitoring performance, and testing your applications and code for vulnerabilities.

Once you find any vulnerability in your system, you should work to resolve it as quickly as possible. This may involve upgrading your existing hardware and software or fixing errors in your code.

3. Stay Up-to-Date With Tech Developments

Another key strategy for identifying and resolving IT infrastructure gaps is staying up-to-date with new technologies and innovations that can help improve your system. This includes paying close attention to emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and predictive analytics.

Following on new technologies can help show you what areas of your business can be improved and whether or not you’re using outdated or ill-suited technology. You may also find that specific processes in your company that was working just fine before are now too slow or inefficient due to an outdated system.

For example, you may find that integrating some of these newer technologies into your existing system could significantly improve its performance. Or you might be able to use them to develop more robust security protocols or optimize your processes. That said, updating your systems regularly to keep up with new technology developments can go a long way in identifying and addressing possible gaps.

Alternatively, you could also explore the possibility of getting IT infrastructure from Software as Service providers. They always keep their systems updated with the latest technology and innovations, so you can be sure that your system will always be up-to-date.

4. Measure The User-Friendliness Of Your Infrastructure

Technology is supposed to make work easier for your employees and improve productivity. However, if your IT infrastructure is difficult to use, it can have the opposite effect.

To measure your system’s user-friendliness, it’s advisable that you regularly survey your employees and collect feedback on their experiences using technology at work. This can include asking them what they like and don’t like about your existing systems and what they feel can be improved. This allows you to be in a better position to identify possible gaps in terms of your IT infrastructure’s accessibility.

From there, you could work on developing solutions to resolve it. For instance, you can upgrade or re-design certain aspects of your system, such as making UI/UX improvements or simplifying processes.


There are many different steps that you can take to identify and resolve any IT infrastructure gaps in your business. Some key strategies include auditing your system regularly, staying up-to-date with new technology developments, and measuring the user-friendliness of your infrastructure. With these tips, you can be guided in ensuring that your IT systems are always functioning at their best and working to support your business goals.

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